Category: Service

Giving Good: Mentoring As A Service

Over the past few years I’ve been fortunate to have been part of mentorship opportunities. Some of them have been informal, like those with co-workers or ex-co-workers (a.k.a. friends), and others have been more formal like my work with undergraduates through Global Mentorship Initiative or having structured mentoring sessions with specific guidelines and goals with […]

Giving Good: MKTG 201 March 2023

The following is from a LinkedIn post I shared after my first speaking engagement with Professor Jillian Hmurovic’s Marketing 201 class at Drexel University in March 2023. The future is bright. I was invited to speak at Drexel University last week to a Marketing 201 class led by Professor Jillian Hmurovic. This was the first […]

Rise Against Hunger

One of our family goals is to volunteer our time on a regular basis to help both local and global communities. This past weekend we participated in a Rise Against Hunger event at our local church (which happens to be the same denomination as the church I grew up in back in NY, go figure). […]