Rise Against Hunger

One of our family goals is to volunteer our time on a regular basis to help both local and global communities. This past weekend we participated in a Rise Against Hunger event at our local church (which happens to be the same denomination as the church I grew up in back in NY, go figure).

I’ve volunteered twice with Rise Against Hunger at work (Intuit’s We Care & Give Back program is incredible) and was very happy to contribute our time and energy to feed those that need it most. One of the differentiators of this organization is the follow-up message we received stating that the food we packed reached communities in the Philippines. Getting this kind of feedback made the experience even more fulfilling.

Here’s how Rise Against Hunger splits up their tables…

  • Table 1: Individual bags that contain 6 servings are labelled with tracking information, then sent to tables that have bins of dry food.
  • Table 2: Measured servings of rice, soy, and dried vegetables are poured into the labelled bags using a table top funnel. A seasoning packet is also included. In the background, runners hustle 50lb bags of food to replenish the quickly emptied bins. Filled bags are weighed and then passed to runners.
  • Table 3: Runners deliver the filled bags to be sealed using heat presses.
  • Table 4: Once the bags are sealed, runners pick them up, then drop them at the packing table. Bags are counted on a handy counting mat (to avoid under or over packing boxes, this was genius) and then moved over to boxing. Once the bags are packed (like in the insta ready pic above) they are ready to be placed on pallets and shipped out.

It was a great experience working with fellow parishioners and Rise Against Hunger. We even found out about upcoming local events and will participate in them in the coming weeks.

If you have any questions or are interested in helping feed those in need around the world please check out the Rise Against Hunger site below… https://www.riseagainsthunger.org/

Rise Against Hunger is a 501(C)(3) Non-for-Profit Organization. Tax ID 16-1541024