Why Build A Site?

I’ve owned this domain for many years but have never really done much with it. All those years ago I believed it would be a place for me to mark my territory on the internet. With the advent of social networks, both personal and professional, the need for a managed site was becoming less and less necessary.

Let’s fast forward to the present (which in this case in July 2017). I believe the one common theme among the world we live in now is noise. At the very same time that you are consuming this content on a magical device that allows us to connect you’re also being bombarded with an endless stream of auditory and visual stimulation. Here’s where my site comes in.

There are two reasons I’m building this site.

  1. This is my way to stand out from the other James Varugheses out there (there are many of them out there, Google it, I’ll wait).
  2. It’s mine. All of it. The posts, photos, advertisements for products I use and believe in, all mine.

The site is set to renew every year for the next 10 years. I hope that I can look back on this first post, which I’m writing from a bar in Hayward California while on paternity leave before picking up my daughter at daycare, and be happy to pick up the next 10.